Security and Criminology Investigation Management (Vol 4) e-handbook

Security and Criminology Investigation Management (Vol 4) e-handbook


By Lawrence J. Fennelly

To all security managers I say, “it’s a must read”

I read this text with great understanding of the topic and totally enjoyed the content, now take page 17 where the author discusses, “Reading the Target and Reading the people involved in Target”.  You have to think Outside the Box as you are going forward with your Investigations. I have read several articles by Juan Kirsten on the topic of “Critical Thinking” and I believe he is right on the mark.  In this work he states the “Security Managers must be aware of all types of Crime and Crime Methods”. I agree, and I feel also that Security Managers need to also be proactive in their thinking and reduce criminal opportunity by target hardening for all crimes.

Security and Custody of Evidence: I was happy to see this section included in this paper, because you don’t want to be working a case for weeks on end, sometimes day and night, only to lose your case in court on a technicality. Kirsten’s paper needs to be read several times and studied. He should be commended for his hard work as an author and practitioner.

About – Lawrence J. Fennelly

An internationally recognized authority on crime prevention, Lawrence Fennelly is an authority on security planning and analysis, the study of how environmental factors contribute to criminal victimization (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design, or CPTED. In 2014 and 2015, Lawrence J. Fennelly was the recipient of the prestigious President’s Award by ASIS: International Foundations for Protection Officers – CPOI & CSSM Certifications.  Appointed to Board of Directors, 1998 (five-year position).   Elected back on the Board, 2016.

By Orlando ‘’Andy’’ Wilson

With the spread of international organized crime this book is relevant whether you are working in Beijing, Bogota or Birmingham!

In Security and Criminology Investigation Management, Mr. Kirsten has highlighted some issues that are often ignored in the vast majority of works that claim to cover the investigation of organized crimes, especially from a corporate security and investigation angle.

Mr. Kirsten has made it clear that the threats from organized crime are multi-dimensional and can affect all the sectors of corporate entity, at all levels and the need for today’s security and investigation managers to be open minded and to understand how the criminals they are facing think and operate.

I like the fact Mr. Kirsten details the cultural and ethnic aspects that need to be considered and managed. We live in a multi-cultural world and effective investigators cannot be ignorant of other’s beliefs, traditions or experience, however alien it is to their own background and culture. Sadly, many books on corporate security and investigations do not emphasis the need for those managing projects to have a neutral and unbiased mindset, this book highlights this aspect clearly.

For those involved in corporate security and investigation management this book will open your mind to a fluid way of thinking and gives you a path to follow for your future projects and taskings.

About Orlando ‘’Andy’’ Wilson

Orlando “Andy” Wilson has worked in the security industry internationally for over 30 years. He has become accustomed to the types of complications that can occur, when dealing with international law enforcement agencies, organized criminal and Mafia groups.

He is a licensed private investigator, the chief consultant for Risks Incorporated and a published author, writer, photographer and has been interviewed by numerous international TV and media outlets on topics ranging from kidnapping, organized crime to maritime piracy.

By Errol Peace

This is an exciting new approach to the investigation of crime, and very importantly to the discovery of criminal activities.

After being involved in various investigations over the past thirty- two years and having had the opportunity to have read through the Security and Criminology Investigation Management book which focuses on a wide range of investigative principles and techniques, it has become very obvious and apparent that the success that I achieved was through pure providence and luck. Kirsten’s book opens an exciting new approach to the investigation of crime, and very importantly to discovery of criminal activities.

This fresh look at what is happening around us and very often under our noses, with regard to organised crime will assist the security practitioner to become much more aware of their roles and responsibilities to the overall loss prevention programme.

The average investigator looks at the surface and compiles a portfolio on what is uncovered or obtained from perpetrators and witnesses. Looking and digging deeper using the techniques shared in critical thinking situational awareness using specific skill-sets will allow the investigator to gain more accurate and reliable information from all interviews, perpetrators and witness alike.

I would encourage that all security practitioners and especially those who are involved in investigations, read and familiarise themselves with the techniques and principles contained in Kirsten’s book. The research, facts and information will definitely enhance the knowledge and capabilities of the security investigation manager

About Errol Peace

F.I.S (SA);    MSyI (UK);    CFE (USA);   AISM (INDIA);   IIPS (NIGERIA);    TechM Saiosh (SA)

Errol Peace is a Fellow of the South African Institute of Security and the immediate past Chairman of the Board of Governors, a Certified Fraud Examiner of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, USA, a member of the British Security Institute and an associate member of the International Institute of Security & Safety Management and a technical member of the South African Institute of Occupational Safety and Health Practitioners. He served on the Special Events and Armed Robbery Survival Skills task team of the Security SGB, an Assessor and Moderator for the SASSETA and a Course Developer and Trainer

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