Dr Vijay Sewduth

Dr Vijay Sewduth

Contact Dr Vijay Sewduth

Dr Vijay Sewduth

Qualifications Doctor of Philosophy, Ph.D


Post-Traumatic Stress counselling especially for the security industry and for that matter any staff that could encounter horrific incidents.


MA Social Sciences Studies and Industrial Phycology ‘’ Personality assessing and vetting consultant to reduce workplace violence


The Qualified Assessor, Moderator and Facilitator


MA (Social Behavior Studies)

University of Durban Westville:
BA (Social Work) Hons

Diploma Industrial Relations UNISA

Industrial Psychology SETA

  • HWSETA Assessor (HW592AR0600350)
    Moderator (HWSETA/KZN1343/07)
  • Skills Developer/Facilitator
    SERVICES SETA Assessor (6108030020080)
    ETDP SETA Assessor (ASE15804)
    MERSETA Assessor (17-QA/ASS/1551/08)
    WR SETA Assessor (617/ASS/02698/08)


BA (Metaphysical Science) Diploma (Metaphysical Practitioner) Reiki

National Certificate in Occupationally

Directed Education, Training and Development (OD- ETD). UNISA

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