The Narrative
Everybody has a story and when you hear – ”Oh tell me another story”, then what do you make of that? Heard that one before! Who tells the stories? The bosses, the experts and consultants, the clients, the staff, actually, any person that lives and breathes has a story. As soon as people open their mouth, the story begins, which could begin with a few words or a full story that could be made up of the truth, half-truths, a total fabrication and perhaps presented by a person that has an agenda. Any decision based on insufficient or inaccurate information will deliver collateral damage.
There is a habitual pattern that dictates how the person is thinking. We want to discover the intentions of others. People usually pay attention to their unconscious desire or conscious agenda. How many times have you heard the words ‘’ what is it that you or they want?’’ By instinct people use these words and what is really being said is ‘’ what are the intentions?’’ This question is a vital question to ask oneself or to discover, because a true professional must comprehend the agendas. In this way, they can then picture the steps that are being taken by a person of interest (story pattern).