Technologies for Security Criminology-Risk Investigation

Technologies for Security Criminology-Risk Investigation

Millions are spent on technologies related to the security, criminology-risk, and investigation sector

The user research dictates that not many are getting the results they desire. Consequently, the technologies are only as good as the users. The two core attributes for users are their critical thinking abilities and level of situational awareness.

All Practitioners use or contribute data to technologies

Today, all practitioners use some form of device or technologies for incident, emergency or investigation management.

There are risk investigation managers that comply with ISO 31000 that may to comprehend the vulnerability of the landscape then select the appropriate technologies to litigate or limit the level of collateral damage.

All need to think in a specific way to derive the results that they need to justify the investments.

HIM Tool Contains Booklets
& Short Video Clips on AI & Technologies


The Technologies and platforms are only as good as the users

Many buy the bells and whistles but do not get the results that they should derive!

View the Reviews Below

Multi-Purpose usability

This technology can be used effectively for vulnerability landscape analysis and effectively managing the response team besides internal management for,

  • Crime comprehension and detection

  • Keeping their risk management in real time mode

  • Increased reaction speed for emergency management

  • Bridging Incident management with and for Investigation management

  • Manage emergency management effectively

  • Mission assignments tracking and monitoring

  • For Strategic Layering of personnel

  • Improve Profit Protection besides adhering to Compliance Management

  • Being aware of utilizing appropriate technologies for distinct purpose

View the Reviews Below

“I believe that the booklets should form part of every security risk practitioner’s portfolio’’. This is about using AI and technologies for proactive security and investigation.

It gives direction on how to keep abreast of the current situations. This knowledge will equip one with the ability to recognize besides identify, new adverse situations, potential risks by using technology and manpower. The protocols and principles allow one to identify new crimes which every company is vulnerable to and gives guidance on how to manage and control them”.

Errol Peace FIS (SA), MSyl (UK), CFE (USA), AISM (India), IIPS (Nigeria)

AI Merging Technologies and Manpower for Security Criminology-Risk Investigation Management emphasizes critical points for consideration. In review, this document brings the critical thinking that the security practitioner needs to apply when articulating decisions, background, situational awareness, and due diligence in the quest for fit for purpose in using AI & technologies.

The author addresses the trust factor which is vital. There is no denying that TRUST is what users of AI or other technologies require for assurances. Moreover, AI architecture necessitates speed and efficiency in data collection. Also, the author addresses in how data privacy is secured and should be at the forefront of users’ concerns with regards to criminality, security and human rights considerations.

The author also addresses the point of using experts in different fields because of their unique methodologies. Organisations may become unsustainable if they are not attentive to the Volatile, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity (VUCA) environments in which they operate. AI situational and risk awareness of VUCA depends upon the evolving accumulative knowledge of the individual security practitioner and the organisations operating in the VUCA environment.

Catherine Halse, Due diligence examiner and investigations at Leaders With Sol

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