Security Organizations representing +7 Million practitioners from around the world are joining together in a bid to include the security industry into the methodology to limit the level of collateral damage related to the active biological threat and associated trailing threats.
Profit Protect
Manage Life Impacting and Deadly Outcomes
SPONSORED FREE Video Clips for the Security Officers
Find on the link below
And for Biological Threat Security
CBTS and COC19 Compliance Certificate
The bearers of the CBTS receive 2 certificates to site manage, train and assess the COC19.
The Active Biological Mutating Threat and enhances Crime Security of the Site related to the outcome of the threat and the economic meltdown besides providing a higher sense of emotional security to customers avoiding the site.
Security Success depends on the level of situational awareness
of the people on the ground and their reaction speed
With an Active Biological Threat – Reaction Speed is IMMEDIATE